Are you struggling and feeling overwhelmed? Do you need someone to talk to? You are not alone. Help is available. Call 988.
You are not alone
Suicide is a serious public health problem that has long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities. September is suicide prevention month. This month is used to raise awareness on the topic of suicide.
End the stigma
Mental health matters. It is okay to talk about mental health. In order to end the stigma surrounding mental health problems, we need to talk about it. By talking about it we will reduce risk factors and increase factors that will promote resilience.
How to help
Look for the warning signs. Then you can help by asking them if they need help.
Keep them safe. Be there for them. Help them connect to someone who can help. Then continue following up with them.
Watch for the warning signs
Feeling like a burden
Being isolated
Increased anxiety
Feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
Increased substance use
Looking for a way to access lethal means
Increased anger or rage
Extreme mood swings
Expressing hopelessness
Sleeping too little or too much
Talking or posting about wanting to die
Making plans for suicide
Call or text 988
Chat @988hotline.illinois.gov
988 is a suicide and crisis lifeline.
988 is not 911.
All call specialists are trained on prevention.
Available 24/7.
Free support.
Available to everyone.
Book Recommendations

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide kills more than 32,000 Americans each year, making it the 11th leading cause of death in the country. In addition, roughly 395,000 people are admitted to emergency rooms with self-inflicted injuries each year.
The Truth About Suicideprovides A-to-Z coverage of issues relating to suicidal behaviorfrom root causes and warning signs to related mental illness and suicide prevention. Written in straightforward language, this new resource offers an index, glossary, further reading, and Web sites to guide additional exploration of this important topic.
Entries include:
Biology of suicidal behavior
Families and other survivors
Mental illness and suicide
Prevalence and epidemiology
Risk and protective factors for suicide
Self-injurious behavior
Stress and suicide
Suicide prevention
Warning signs. --Description from publisher.
--with advice from experts and wisdom from real people and families by Ken Duckworth
Millions of people in the United States are affected by mental illness every year, and the Covid-19 pandemic only further exposed the shortcomings of the American mental health system. Too many are confused, afraid, and overwhelmed, with many asking themselves the same questions: What does it mean when different doctors give me different diagnoses? What if my insurance won’t cover my treatment? Will I ever feel better? Families and friends are often left in the dark about how best to help their loved ones, from dealing with financial and logistical issues, to handling the emotional challenges of loving someone who is suffering.
You Are Not Alone is here to offer help. Written by Dr. Ken Duckworth with the wisdom of a psychiatrist and the vulnerability of a peer, this comprehensive guide centers the poignant lived experiences of over 125 individuals from across the country whose first-person stories illustrate the diversity of mental health journeys. This book also provides
Practical guidance on dealing with a vast array of mental health conditions and navigating care Research-based evidence on what treatments and approaches work
Insight and advice from renowned clinical experts and practitioners
This singular resource―the first book from the National Alliance on Mental Illness―is a powerful reminder that help is here, and you are never alone. --Description from publisher
This article was written by Faith, BSW CPLD Student Social Worker. Make an appointment to talk, get resources, and more! Call: (618) 345-5848 to make an appointment today!