While the construction continues on the outside, Caseyville Library staff have been busy creating an amazing new library inside. We have so many more functional spaces in the new building and exciting potential for new programs and services. Check out what's been happening at Caseyville Library over the spring!

On March 19th, 2024, the old Caseyville Library was demolished. Library Director Jackie made the first strike to take down the building. Library staff, board members, and previous Library Director Ashley attended the demo as well. This building served Caseyville Library from 1998-2024. Since then, Caseyville has grown and so have its residents' needs. The new building will create space to better serve the Caseyville community.

Parking Lot
Early April, the construction crew also demolished the parking lot and sidewalk to make way for new utility services and water mains. Weather dependent, this May, the parking lot should be poured. Currently, the new library is still in the middle of an active construction zone, but your librarians are available to answer questions about your library account.

Finishing Touches
In April, the construction team started to install siding and will continue to do so into May. Finalizations on the inside of the building are underway, including signage installation, interior wallpapering to the children’s area, and storage installation in staff work areas. Additionally, staff are assembling new furniture and equipment.

Library Director, Jackie and I (Eleka) have been measuring the new library spaces and acquiring library furniture for the meeting room, study room, circulation area, reading lounge, children’s area, office, work room, break room, and storage rooms. We are excited to announce we will have more public lounge seating and work spaces in our new building.

Functional and Organized Spaces
Children’s Area furnishings and new shelving will be delivered early June. As we await the construction's completion, your librarians are finishing the interior design and library staff continue to organize and set up the many new library spaces. New books will also be purchased and added to the library collection during this time.

Current Estimated Opening Date
Because we have had a particularly rainy spring season accompanied by some supply chain delays, Caseyville Library’s estimated opening date is late June to July. The parking lot must be poured, and the exterior finished before the library may open. Check our social media and website for updates on this progress.
We appreciate the Caseyville Library community's patience and support during this growing period. We cannot wait to show you the finished library! We think you will love it as much as we do already.
See more about the new library on our Library Building Project Page.