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Abortion, Contraception, & Pregnancy Access & Care

Writer: AllisonAllison

Last month, the supreme court made the landmark decision to overturn Roe V. Wade. Passed in 1973, this supreme court case made it federal law for a person’s right to choose whether to have an abortion without excess government restrictions. Through this overturn, it is up to the states to decide whether or not to limit abortion access and even reproductive healthcare.

Several states, such as Texas and Oklahoma, have passed restrictions, some prohibiting abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, even though most do not even know they are pregnant until after six weeks. This federal decision made by the supreme court has caused some of us to ask questions, such as Can I still access birth control and other contraceptives? Is Planned Parenthood (the most prominent and accessible to all abortion and reproductive healthcare providers in the country) still open? While answers are not easy and things are still up in the air, here is some information and resources that can hopefully answer your questions and, most importantly, bring peace to your mind during these challenging times.


Illinois is one of nineteen states that codified abortion into state law, meaning abortion is still legal in Illinois. With Illinois being one of the only states where we can receive safe abortions, many people will be traveling here. Planned Parenthoods across the state have already reported a dramatic uptake in calls and appointments for people in other states where it is illegal, which is predicted to keep increasing.


Right now, you can still receive all forms of birth control and emergency contraceptives in all 50 states. Even though birth control does not directly fall under Roe V. Wade, future access to birth control and emergency contraceptives, especially the morning-after pill and IUD, can be threatened. Only two states have looked into putting restrictions on birth control, but as of now, you can obtain contraceptives in all 50 states.


The most important thing anyone can do is get involved and vote. Even though this ban was federally initiated, this event shows how important local politics are. Look into who is on your ballot, and vote for who best represents you and your ideals. Sign up to volunteer for their campaigns, donate to them, or even post about them on your social media and explain why you vote for them. You can also get involved by looking into local organizations and mutual aid funds and donating or volunteering. Don't be a passive bystander. Stand up for what you believe in and what is important to you.


Here is a list of different resources in the area and some across the state.

Planned Parenthood: Fairview Heights-317 Salem Pl, Fairview Heights IL, 62208. 618/277/6668

St. Louis- 3401 S. Grand Blvd, St. Louis MO, 63118. 800/230/7526

Contraceptive Centers: WashU Contraceptive Choice Center-4901 Forest Park Ave, FL 7, St. Louis MO, 63108. 314/747/0800

Clinic: Hope Clinic For Women-1602 21st Street, Granite City IL, 62040. 618/451/5722

Mutual aid: Chicago Abortion Fund-312/663/0338 (press 0 for English and 1 for Spanish)

Midwest Access: Midwest Access Coalition-847/750/6224

Ingenious Women Rising:

Abortion Hotline:1/800/772/9100


Shout Your Abortion by Amelia Bonow & Emily Nokes

This book shares multiple abortion stories from various points of view. It is a collection of personal testaments inspires readers to share their truth and rise to action. The editors who collected the stories wanted to share the message that abortion is normal and it is okay to talk about it.

Through interviews, this book discusses how birth control has become a very gendered topic. The burden of pregnancy has been placed on people who give birth and has been held in very gender-constrained ways. It negatively impacts trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming people. This book is an excellent piece of literature that changes how we think of birth control.

In this book, Dr. Parker, an abortion provider and Christian reproductive activist, explains how his journey as a doctor and scientific training revealed to him how abortion and helping women in need without judgment is the Christian thing to do.

From research and interviews, Page explains the truth that the pro-choice movement and policies grant us independence, improvements, and fewer pregnancies while forced birth legislation does not

This post was written by our library social worker, Allison. If you would like to come and talk about abortion, contraception, and pregnancy resources or any other needs such as social programs to help with living expenses like housing and utilities, or help finding jobs, building a resume, or seeking mental/physical health services, make an appointment with our social worker, by calling 618-345-5848 or email Visit Resources in Reach for more local resource recommendations from our library social workers and librarians.


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