What is the
Library of Things?
The Library of Things is a collection of nontraditional library items you can check out with your Caseyville Library card.
Library of Things?
What will you discover in the
Explore the items below to learn more about your amazing library!
Take home a telescope and explore the cosmos! Includes handy manual and star guide!
Check Out Space!
Explore the outdoors. You can also check out bird guides in the library
Get Closer
Sensory Backpack
A Sensory Backpack will always be in the library for in-library use, but you can also take one home to use in sensory-immersive situations.
try Sensory Toys & Aids
Ghost Hunting Kit
Ghost Hunting Kit includes a K-II EMF meter, voice recorder, flashlight, and guide.
Test Your Bravery
FitBit Kits
Check out a Fitbit Kit and start moving! It includes two types of band lengths, a charger, and guide.
How far do you walk?
Fitbit Group kits
Take home a group kit so your family or group of friends can use fitness tracking together. Includes 5 Fitbits and accessories.
Track Fitness Together
Fishing Equipment
Check out fishing poles, tackleboxes, and nets for a day on the water.
Take to the Lake
Magnifying Glass
If a book is not readily available in Large Print, you can check out a page magnifier to enlarge the text.
Read the fine print
Mobile HotSpot
Connect anywhere a tower can reach. These can be great when you need short-term connection. Even take them on a road trip to stream in your car.
Internet on the Go
Peacemaker kit
Cards with visual descriptions can help with naming emotions and feelings and expressing them in healthy ways.
Resolve Conflict
Time in Toolkit
Help connect bodily feelings and emotions to better communicate and express needs.
Regulate Emotions
Educational Kits
These kits are designed to help teachers, parents, and other educators with useful educational tools including, flashcards, discovery kits, activity guides, and more!