Reoccurring Monthly Events
What: Sensory Saturdays with Esther Comfort Dog
Where: Caseyville Public Library District
When: 2nd Saturdays of the Month
Welcome to Sensory Saturdays: a pleasant sensory experience at Caseyville Library aimed for neurodiverse individuals and families of all ages.
Sorytime & Songs starts at 10am
Each 2nd Saturday the library will featured dimmed lighting, lower volume, sensory activities, themed story times, arts & crafts.
Sensory aid backpacks equipped with tools and aids like sunglasses, headphones, stimming tools, and visual communication supports are also available for in-library use and checkout.
Esther the Comfort Dog will also be available to be read to. Reading to pets boosts reading confidence and curbs reading anxiety.
What: Books & Appetizers Club
Where: Caseyville Public Library District
When: 3rd Thursdays of the Month
A Book and an Appetizer group meeting monthly at the Caseyville Public Library! Come enjoy the discussions on the most recent book YOU read! Remember: bring YOUR book you're reading and a snack! See you at our next meeting! Get-togethers are held the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
What: Answers on Aging with Collinsville Faith in Action
Where: Caseyville Public Library District
When: 2nd Thursday of the Month
Pat Bivens with Collinsville Faith in Action is here at Caseyville Library to answer question on aging well including: Medicare Counseling, Discounted License Plate Tags, Free Public Transportation, Aging Well topics you’d like to discuss. Call the library at 618-345-5848 to schedule an appointment during this time.