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Read the Latest Newsletter

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Winter 2024News & Updates


Help Grow Your Library

How do your donations help?

  • Donations provide the library with the opportunity to offset costs of purchasing books, materials for programs, providing new services, and growing the library’s reach.

  • Donate for a memorial or legacy

  • Legacy or memorial donations provide a placard, engraved brick, or butterfly for our wall. Be recognized for your contributions to the library or memorialize someone who loved Caseyville Library.

Contact your librarians if you have questions about donations, memorials, and legacy contributions. 

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Building Project Updates

Read about Caseyville Library's new library building, see pictures of the progress, and read news articles featuring the new library building project. 

The new library is set to July/August 2024. Click the button below to read more!

The Latest from CPLD Blog:

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Did you know that we have a blog?!

This blog covers a variety of topics that will grab everyone's attention - reading recommendations, information about local resources, local happenings, and so much more!


Stay in the loop with all of the latest news!


This page includes board meeting information, ordinances, policies, and more.

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Friends of the Library are people who believe in the importance of a modern, well-equipped, staffed library, the value of literacy and the importance of the availability of resources and information. 

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